Thursday, September 25, 2008

True Blood and Heroes

I've totally gone off both True Blood and Heroes. I never really got into True Blood, and after episode 3 I decided to quit watching it. There was too much gayness in the episode and everytime Sookie or Bill open their mouths I feel like muting the volume. I couldn't stand Bill's "friends" who I'm sure he'll end up fighting against in future episodes.

I'm sick of the whole Anne Rice style vampires who when they aren't out feeding, mainly lounge around and have sex with any human they can find. Doesn't matter what gender they are, anything seems to do in this type of vampire world. Homosexuals and bisexuals seem to be disproportionately represented in this style of vampire. Clearly written by women, for women.

Heroes is a continuing disappointment. The first season was great. Couldn't wait for new episodes to hit. The second season went downhill fast, and thank goodness the writers' strike cut it short. Now having watched the first episode of season 3, it's time to kiss this sorry show goodbye. I don't think I've ever been this disappointed with a TV show.

The plotline is so convoluted that you need to devote time to reading websites that detail all the plots and characters to really have a clue what is going on. And I've seen every episode that's aired on TV, so I'm not even missing anything.

Characters die, or appear to die and then return more often than even in comic books. Definitely shitty writing to try and pull this "twist" as often as they have. It's ok maybe once, but pull that shit as much as they do, and people stop caring as much about the characters. "What, he died? Oh no worries he'll be back next episode, or maybe by the end of this one."

You lose some emotional attachment for a character if you feel like they can't really die for good. Through season one we worried if Sylar would actually kill Claire or some of the other Heroes. But now by season 3, we're so jaded that it doesn't even faze us if someone gets "killed". We also know who the big stars of the show are, so if one of their characters goes down, we automatically know they'll be back. And all of this fucking time travel bullshit has to fuckin' stop. (I'm talking about the "future characters" that pop in and out of the timeline, not Hiro's time traveling)

Meh, why even care anymore?

I've said it before, and I'll say it again... Can't wait for the new season of Dexter to start. Hopefully that doesn't go down the shitter as well.

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