Monday, September 15, 2008

True Blood: S1 E2 TV Review

True Blood: Season 1 Episode 2 Review

What I Liked:

1. A couple more interesting plot twists.

2. Anna Paquin looks nice in a bikini top and sun dress...

3. Boobs!

What I Didn't Like:

1. Like I predicted in my review of the first episode, we get to see the vampire Bill completely dominate the same two humans who so seemingly easily nearly killed him in the last ep. He kicks their asses so hard, and destroys their place so badly that the humans think a tornado killed them. Makes me roll my eyes at last week's plotline where Sookie has to rescue him. Weak writing in my opinion.

Final BS Rating: +2 PRETTY GOOD

Closing Statement: The show still only just barely holds my interest enough to keep watching until the next episode. The show is decent, but not great. Can't wait for the new season of Dexter to start...

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