Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Postal: Movie Review

Postal: Movie Review

What I Liked:

1. Has some genuinely funny moments.

2. The political incorrectness of it all is great.

3. There's a big gunfight where nobody gets shot except for little kids. Seriously, the greatest movie moment ever filmed.

4. If you played Postal 2, you'll find a lot of familiar characters, themes, and fan service.

5. Watching Uwe Boll make fun of himself was cool.

What I Didn't Like:

1. Could have included more actual game references.

2. Where the hell is Gary Coleman? Swap Mini-Me for Gary Coleman and you'd have a better and more relevant movie.

3. The Postal Dude isn't as much like the Postal Dude from the games. He looks the part, but certainly doesn't act it. He's lacking the attitude.

4. The movie is missing some of that special brand of humor that was pervasive throughout the Postal 2 game.

Final Badassian Scale Rating: +1 ALRIGHT

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