Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Kotaku.com has an article today on a blog that is supposedly done by a religious zealot protesting against Spore and EA' so-called "war on creationism".


Out of curiosity I had a look for myself. To me the blog is clearly a clever attempt to make some money using AdSense ads. You go to the site and the second thing you notice, (after the adult themed Spore pics and vids) is the massive amount of AdSense ads on the page. The author is just trying to cash in on the massive hype of Spore, and to get a bigger audience, added in the religious nut "controversy" stuff. It's clever, and if the guy makes a few bucks from it, more power to him.

UPDATE: I was right, the site turned out to be a joke, one big Rick Roll apparently. Probably scored the author a few cents for his AdSense in the process...

People are debating whether Spore is a game about Evolution or Intelligent Design. Shouldn't be any debate there. The creatures don't actually evolve, and the plethora of penis monsters and other shitty creations totally shoots down the idea that something could have "intelligently designed" actual real-life creatures....

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