Monday, September 8, 2008

True Blood: S1 E1 TV Review

True Blood: S1 E1 TV Review

What I Liked:

1. The cast was likeable enough, and they seemed to suit their roles pretty well. Anna Paquin is cute and sweet enough for me to like her in the main role.

2. The show has an interesting take on vampires, in that they have "come out of the coffin" publicly on TV and now live openly in human society. They drink a Japanese-invented synthetic blood. Silver also seems to work on them like Kryptonite does to Superman... Except they have to be in physical contact with it, rather than just near it.

3. Sookie Stackhouse (shame about the name) has the ability to hear the thoughts of people around her, and that could lead to some interesting moments.

4. Boobs!

What I Didn't Like:

1. The southern accents are terrible, and sound nothing like the accents that people really have in Louisiana. Sometimes you can catch Anna Paquin slipping back into her normal accent.

2. I hope the whole "Sookie rescues the vampire from the redneck vampire drainers" thing is just a very contrived plot device. Otherwise a lot of the vampires in this show are going to be pussy-ass nancy vamps kind of like in the Anne Rice stuff.... It just broke my entire image of vampires, when Bill couldn't fight off one man and one woman. Now if they show a vampire later on in the series absolutely kicking the crap out of a fit adult male or two, I'm going to roll my eyes and groan....

3. Only created just enough curiosity, hope, and interest for me to watch the next episode. Does every modern vampire now have to be emo? Or maybe not emo, but dark, brooding, and seemingly thinking that their whole existence sucks balls?

Final Badassian Scale Rating: +1 ALRIGHT

Closing Statement:

I have NOT read the books this show is based on. I know NOTHING about the books. This is based only on having watched this one episode....

No one has ever made a good vampire TV show. That's right Buffy and Angel fanboys and girls, go suck it. Heh heh, suck it? See what I did there? ZOMGLULZ.

I'm hoping this one gets better and becomes the first true good Vampire show. It already shits all over Buffy and Angel, (that means it is WAY better than Buffy and Angel, kids) so I have hope for it.

I'm just afraid that the vampires are going to end up being mainly sissy-boys except for maybe some 1 dimensional villain they might add in later.

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