Friday, August 29, 2008

Cloverfield Movie Review

Cloverfield Review

What I Liked:

1. The idea of the whole movie being presented as shot through a home video camera is interesting.

2. Special effects of the city being destroyed are generally good.

3. Some evocative shots, like of the Statue of Liberty’s severed head, and the Sept. 11-esque shots of rolling debris clouds and crowds running.

What I Didn’t Like:

1. Hud constantly yelling “Rob!” is annoying as FUCK.

2. The creatures look so fake they aren’t even scary. The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were scarier because they looked real.

3. An anti-tank rocket can blast through a heavily armored tank, but yet can’t even make the organic creature bleed.


There’s a scene near the end where they don’t notice that a monster half the size of a skyscraper is standing right next to them until it’s too late.

Final BS Rating: -1 NOT SO GOOD

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