Saturday, January 16, 2010

Up in the Air Movie Review

Up in the Air Review
Video review on Youtube:

The Good:

1. The actors and acting were all really good. I especially liked George Clooney.

2. The concept was good. It was something I felt like I'd never really seen before.

3. Really liked the scenes where they were firing people.

The Bad:

NOTHING! I could not find anything that stuck out as being "bad" about this movie.

Final BS Rating: +3 HARDCORE

Now, labeling a movie such as this as "HARDCORE" is really strange, yes I know. My scale was designed with video games in mind. In this case you could replace "HARDCORE" with something more like "ENJOYABLE".

Up in the Air was one of those movies where it was hard to really say why it was good. It just was.

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