Friday, January 15, 2010

IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey Review Xbox 360
It needs to be noted that this review was written MONTHS ago. It is possible that over time, and with patches, certain aspects of this review may no longer be applicable or accurate.

The Good:

1. Closest thing yet to a console Flight SIMULATOR.

2. Good graphics.

3. Decent campaign and LOTS of single missions to fly.

4. Variable realism settings.

5. Quick mission editor extends the life of the game.

The Bad:

1. Can't get into multiplayer games. (at the time this review was first written in 2009) Seemed like no one was playing this game online.

2. Lack of cockpits for Axis planes.

3. Sound skips or drops out, in cut scenes sometimes.

4. Having to click the right thumbstick to look around is absolute CRAP.

5. In-flight chatter is annoying. (as it is in EVERY console flying game)

6. Historical inaccuracies and inaccuracies with aircraft.

7. No Axis campaign.

Final BS Rating: -2 SUCKS

As far as air combat games for consoles goes, this game is actually fairly decent. However it still pales in comparison to its PC big brother, IL-2 Sturmovik 1946. Considering that IL-2 1946 can run on PCs that are pretty low-end, you're really much better off buying that game instead. Especially considering how cheaply you can get the game by now.

At first I thought my review might be a little harsh. However I decided that maybe it really wasn't. After finishing the campaign, I really haven't felt the urge to pop this game back into the 360 and play it some more, other to grab some of the easy achievements.

Birds of Prey was, at the very least, a step in the right direction for console flying games.

1 comment:

Fpsdown said...

You got awesome reviews :)