Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Ever-Amusing Youtube Subscriber Count

It's always interesting to watch my subscriber count change after I upload a video or series of videos. Lately the number always seems to drop by 2 within an hour after uploading. I'll lose a few, then slowly the number creeps back up to around whatever it was before I posted my last video. Usually if I don't post many videos, I'll start gaining subbers.

Here's an example, yesterday morning when I checked my Youtube, I had 1110 subscribers. This morning when I looked, I had 1107. I posted 2 videos today and within an hour after posting, I'm down to 1105. Tomorrow morning I'll probably have 1108 or something like that... It's like a god-damn mini rollercoaster or something.

My theory on this is that I do so many different kinds of videos, that I get fans of one kind of vid, who then see another kind of vid, and think "What the fuck is this shit that I subscribed to?" Then they fuck off. If I do a game video I might bring in some new subbers, but then they see my sketches and unsubscribe. Or vice-versa.

Maybe I should have done just one type of video and stuck with it, like Fred or SMOSH. Obviously I wouldn't get the numbers those guys get, but it probably would have lessened the rollercoaster effect.

Anyway it all comes down to the old saying "You can't please everyone". Which is very true. So I continue to do my thing, and if people watch, fantastic. If not, meh.

1 comment:

TrevDogg said...

i like ur game reviews there always spot on. i just subscribe to ppl, i never unsub unless they are a douche like coughlan666.