Friday, August 29, 2008

Cloverfield Movie Review

Cloverfield Review

What I Liked:

1. The idea of the whole movie being presented as shot through a home video camera is interesting.

2. Special effects of the city being destroyed are generally good.

3. Some evocative shots, like of the Statue of Liberty’s severed head, and the Sept. 11-esque shots of rolling debris clouds and crowds running.

What I Didn’t Like:

1. Hud constantly yelling “Rob!” is annoying as FUCK.

2. The creatures look so fake they aren’t even scary. The dinosaurs in Jurassic Park were scarier because they looked real.

3. An anti-tank rocket can blast through a heavily armored tank, but yet can’t even make the organic creature bleed.


There’s a scene near the end where they don’t notice that a monster half the size of a skyscraper is standing right next to them until it’s too late.

Final BS Rating: -1 NOT SO GOOD

Top Posts

At the moment, I'm only transferring the top posts from my old blog to this one. I might get around to doing all of them, but I'm probably too fat and lazy to do it.


Iron Man Movie Review

Iron Man Review

What I Liked:

1. Fantastic special effects. There weren’t too many moments that looked fake enough to put you off.

2. Tony Stark is a refreshing change from some other recent super-heroes. (emo Peter Parker for example)

3. Gwyneth Paltrow is great as the assistant.

4. Has some clever combat moments.

5. There’s some neat gadgets, and Iron Man’s suit is cool.

What I Didn’t Like:

1. Iron Man having to fight another “Iron Man” seems like an uncreative cop-out. Just like how in the next Hulk movie, Hulk has to fight another “Hulk”.

2. The story feels very generic once it moves out of Afghanistan in the beginning.

3. We see so many scenes of Tony Stark learning how to operate his suit through trial and error, yet the man who operates the other Iron suit can operate it with precision on the first attempt. (same applies for Stark in the beginning while escaping from Afghanistan)

Yay or Gay: Nothing really stands out either way, beyond what’s already mentioned.

Final BS Rating: +2 PRETTY GOOD

My Blog Has a New Home

Welcome to the new home of my blog. I like Wordpress, but the reason I'm moving my blog to Blogger is to try and take advantage of the Google AdSense account I got when I became a Youtube Partner. So yeah, that's the only reason for switching. Fair enough right?

Chances are you already know me from Youtube, but if not, check me out.

Thanks for stopping by.
