Friday, October 3, 2008

Survivor: Gabon Episode 2

Finally the Fang tribe aren't looking quite so much like the worst Survivor tribe in history. They won both challenges, so kudos to them. I enjoyed this episode a lot more than the 1st one.

Kota tribe is still playing smart Survivor, which is good to see. Hopefully that will continue. Sugar's time on Exile Island was definitely a highlight of the episode for me. It was cool to see her find the hidden immunity idol, but then I cringed when she told Ace right away that she had it. Always a mistake to let on that you have the idol in my opinion.

GC, for the second episode in a row, is not doing anything to dispel certain stereotypes about black men. Crystal on the other hand, kicked ass in this episode, so much respect to her.

Tribal Council:
Who I "Voted" For: Paloma
Reasoning: Paloma stood out to me both as the weakest physical link on the Kota tribe, and as a devisive and annoying personality. While it's playing "stupid Survivor" to vote out a physical castaway because of an annoying attitude (Michelle for example) , Paloma was both weak AND annoying, so it was all good to me.

Who ACTUALLY Got Voted Off: Paloma
My Reaction: Good choice. I believe the Kota tribe made the right decision. It was either going to be Ace or Paloma, and voting out Ace would have been a big mistake at this point in the game.

Reasons to keep watching this season:

1. To see if Fang tribe matures and continues to win challenges.
2. To see if Kota tribe recovers from two losses in a row and continues to be a strong tribe.
3. To see if alliances start eating Kota tribe from within, like a cancer.
4. To see if Sugar gets blindsided and leaves the game still holding the hidden immunity idol.
5. To see if Fang tribe eliminates GC, their own cancer.

Reasons NOT to keep watching this season:
1. Don't really have any at this point. The gay guy is still annoying, but he wasn't shown as much in episode 2.

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